Dispelling Those Common Misunderstandings about Hydroponics

Hydroponics is an often misinterpreted part of the field of gardening. Let's separate the fact from the fiction and have a look at exactly what hydroponics means to the world of gardening and food production.
Hydroponic growing is the growing of plants without soil. All of the nutrients plants typically get from soil are rather provided to the plants through water.
One common misconception about hydroponics is that is a brand-new fangled, fashionable trend. Even the ancient Egyptians used hydroponics to grow their food.
Contrary to popular belief, hydroponics has absolutely nothing to do with genetically modified food. While genetically modified food has been used as a solution to solving global appetite, as hydroponics has, it is an entirely separate entity. Due to the fact that genetically modified food is so questionable, hydroponics often gets a bad rap. In truth, hydroponic food is 100% natural food, not modified in any method, and no chemicals are contributed to the plants to make them grow that they would not get in traditional fields. It's just a different way to grow food; no hereditary control included.
Some individuals think hydroponics is bad for the environment. Hydroponic plants require much less water than standard plants do - in a lot of cases, they require around a tenth of the water of traditional plants. While hydroponic plants grown in greenhouses do need a lot of lighting to sustain, utilizing a lot of energy, this expense is set off, and then some, by hydroponics' water preservation capacity.
Hydroponics also does not have to cost a fortune, despite exactly what lots of people think. True, nutrient mixtures and growth mediums are expensive, however the field has come a long method in developing recyclable materials to stabilize a few of these costs. Small-scale hydroponic operations need to disappear expensive than standard gardens or crops of the exact same scale.
Nor is hydroponics an unknown gardening method. It is utilized in nearly every nation in the world, and in some environments, it is the most frequently utilized technique. For example, in British Columbia, 90% of the plants grown in greenhouses are hydroponic plants.
One thing individuals consider an advantage of hydroponics is in fact a myth. Hydroponics and natural farming are not associated.
One last mistaken belief about hydroponics is that is it used solely by the drug trade to grow marijuana. This is just not true. Some prohibited growers do use hydroponics, but many more people use this method to grow legal crops.